Contest Jury Members

IAPLC jury members are selected from several different areas of the world for fair and impartial evaluation. Furthermore, the contest jury consists of not only professional aquascapers but also those who have experience and career in the area of aquatic plants and aquarium, including expert foraquascaping, cultivation of aquatic plants, breeding of tropical fish and magazine editors, in order to avoid influence of individual’s likes and tastesover the contest result. IAPLC holds the policy to make evaluations from diverse points of view.

  • Adam Paszczela / Poland / Owner of Aquarius & Aquadam

    Adam Paszczela / Poland Owner of Aquarius & Aquadam

    Mr. Paszczela is the owner of Aquarius & Aquadam and the precursor of Nature Aquarium in Eastern Europe. In 2012, he established ADA Poland Idea Studio displaying Nature Aquarium in ADA full systems.

    Aquascaping, a growing hobby in the age of the pandemic, allows us to focus even more on what is truly important and valuable. Nature Aquariums and Aquascaping combine elements such as passion, friendship, and family care. I am honored to join the esteemed panel of judges for the IAPLC competition. It is a true privilege to participate in the next stage of the development of my greatest passion, Nature Aquarium, and to have the opportunity to view the best works in this largest international competition.

  • Adip Sajjan Raj / India / President of Still Water Aquatics

    Adip Sajjan Raj / India President of Still Water Aquatics

    Mr. Raj is the president of Still Water Aquatics. Mr. Raj is the President of Still Water Aquatics, a company which focuses on making every home have a Nature Aquarium in the Indian Subcontinent. As Engineer turned Entrepreneur, he is exploring Nature and understanding the habitats of various plants in jungles around the world.

    This year marks the 25th anniversary of the ADA's aquascaping contest, founded by the late Mr. Amano. Over the decades, we have witnessed thousands of breathtaking aquascapes from hobbyists around the world, each a unique artistic expression. Serious aquascapers eagerly anticipate the annual IAPLC competition, constantly seeking new ideas and inspirations. This year, we hope to see even more stunning nature aquariums as the genre continues to captivate the imaginations of aquatic artists. Crafting a harmonious underwater ecosystem is the ultimate challenge, requiring aquascapers to not just mimic nature, but truly channel its essence. Within the confines of the aquarium, nature can flourish in ways often unseen in the wild, providing artists an opportunity to breathe life into their visions. The fish, as the centerpiece inhabitants, serve as the muse, guiding the creative process toward a balanced, thriving aquatic work of art.

  • Albert Connelly, Jr. / U.S.A. / Publisher of Tropical Fish Hobbyist magazine and TFH Publications

    Albert Connelly, Jr. / U.S.A. Publisher of Tropical Fish Hobbyist magazine and TFH Publications

    Mr.Connelly is the Publisher of TFH Publications and its flagship publication, Tropical Fish Hobbyist magazine. TFH Publications first introduced the work of Takashi Amano to the American aquarium hobby in the Nature Aquarium World book series, and TFH magazine continues to present Nature Aquarium articles in the English language to its devoted readers in every issue.

    I encourage anyone interested in planted aquarium aquascaping to submit an entry to the premier worldwide layout competition, IAPLC25. You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain, from participating in this unique opportunity to see how your composition measures up against the work of talented layout artists across the globe. It is a wonderful way to join this worldwide community of aquatic designers, and yours may just be the breakout aquascape that rises above the crowd to be celebrated as the “next big idea” that others will follow in years to come!

  • André Longarço / Brazil / Business manager of Aquabase Aquapaisagismo

    André Longarço / Brazil Business manager of Aquabase Aquapaisagismo

    Mr. Longarço is the founder and business manager of Aquabase Aquapaisagismo, the first company 100% dedicated to Nature Aquarium in Brazil. He also conducts promotional activities about aquascaping worldwide and present a TV show about aquarium on Brazilian television. He is a passionate for Japanese Orchids, Bonsai and outdoor activities.

    For one more time we will have the opportunity to join together around this amazing and unique aquatic plant layout contest. As we learn with the unforgetable Amano sensei, to reproduce Nature is necessary before, to know and learn with Nature. Let's definitely understand the importance of contemplation in order to create a trully conection with Mother Nature and then, transfer all this powerful feelings to our aquascapes. I hope that I can evaluate your layout this year and share with all the worldwide aquascapers our passion for Nature. I will be waiting for your participation to join together at this outstanding celebration.

  • Oliver Lucanus / Canada

    Oliver Lucanus / Canada Nature photographer

    Mr. Oliver Lucanus is a nature photographer and fish importer based in Montreal, Canada. He has been traveling to see fish and their habitats for over 35 years, resulting in several books, videos and many magazine articles.

    When I judge entries I almost always look at the aquarium with one principal question : Am I looking at a scene that could occur in nature. It does not have to be a habitat under water. But is the shape and arrangement looking natural? As a judge I want to see that the person observed a natural space, in real life, or in photos, and tried to recreate the environment. I think the best entries really capture this essence. Best Wishes and Good Luck everyone!

  • Jiangang Diao / China / President of Beijing ADA Nature President of ADA Nature Aquarium World Gallery

    Jiangang Diao / China President of Beijing ADA Nature Aquarium World Gallery

    Mr. Diao is the president of Beijing ADA Nature Aquarium World Gallery. He studied techniques of the aquatic plant cultivation and planted aquarium, and devoted himself to the outreach of the planted aquarium culture. After many years of experience, he opened ADA Nature Aquarium World Gallery in Beijing in 2018. Many planted aquarium enthusiasts visit the gallery from all over the world.

    IAPLC is not only the most influential aquatic plant layout contest in the world but also a valuable platform for layout enthusiasts to showcase their talents and learn from each other. By participating, you can enhance your layout skills, meet fellow enthusiasts, and gain approval and recognition from professional judges. The creativity and effort of all participants drive the advancement of aquatic plant layout as an art form. Regardless of the final ranking, the act of participating itself is an opportunity for growth. Express your style to the fullest and leave your mark on this international stage! We look forward to seeing your work at IAPLC2025!

  • Oliver Mengedoht / Germany / Chief editor of <i>aquaristik</i> magazine

    Ulrike Bauer / Germany Chief editor of caridina magazine

    Ms. Bauer is the chief editor of caridina magazine. As translator and author, she has been working in the aquarium world for many years, and has translated several Takashi Amano's books like Nature Aquarium Complete Works 1985-2009 and Origin of Creation etc. into German for the Daehne Publishing House.

    This is my first time on the jurors' panel, and I'm looking forward to seeing your original creations and to contributing my share in helping Nature Aquariums get the attention they deserve. As I love nature, and as I think we can still learn so much from her, I cannot wait to see the beautiful, inspiring aquarium layouts at the IAPLC.

  • Shogo Yamaguchi / Japan/ Chief executive of <i>AQUA LIFE</i> magazine

    Shogo Yamaguchi / Japan Chief executive of AQUA LIFE magazine

    Mr. Yamaguchi represents AQUA LIFE. The magazine introduces the beauty of aquatic plants and planted aquarium. He works for MPJ Inc., the company that publishes the annual AQUA PLANTS and many other publications providing useful information for planted aquarium hobbyists.

    The aquatic plant layout is an art created through the harmony between nature and humans. IAPLC is a place where you can connect with friends from around the world and elevate each other. We hope your sensibility will breathe new life into the world of aquascaping. Let’s continue to explore the endless possibilities of aquatic plant layouts through IAPLC.

  • Yu-Fa Huang / Chinese Taipei  / President of Easy Trading Co., Ltd.

    Yu-Fa Huang / Chinese Taipei President of Easy Trading Co., Ltd.

    Mr. Huang is the president of Easy Trading Co., Ltd. He has been involved in the IAPLC as a judge since the 1st International Aquatic Plants Layout Contest. He has been widely sharing the charms of Nature Aquarium from his aquatic plant showroom established in Taipei.

    The IAPLC, organized by ADA, has captivated aquascaping enthusiasts worldwide for 25 years, becoming the stage for the world's highest-level aquascaping competition. Through the contest, you can meet and interact with aquascaping experts from different countries. This will undoubtedly enhance your layout skills. Those participating in IAPLC; please invite your fellow aquascapers to join as well and help spread the word about the IAPLC. We aim to make the IAPLC even more exciting and turn it into an even more amazing contest. We're looking forward to seeing your stunning work this year.

  • Yusuke Homma / Japan / ADA SUIKEI Creator

    Yusuke Homma / Japan ADA SUIKEI Creator

    Mr. Homma not only closely witnessed Takashi Amano’s layout production for a long time, but also accompanied Amano’s photoshooting for scenic photos many times. Mr. Homma looks up to Amano as his mentor, and focuses on carrying on Amano’s legacy and further developing Nature Aquarium.

    This year, IAPLC celebrates its 25th edition. I feel that the reason we’ve been able to continue for a quarter of a century is thanks to the passion of all the participants. Thank you so much. Over the long history of this contest, various works and styles have emerged, bringing wonder and dreams to aquarists around the world. The love for plants, the curiosity to create new styles, and the creativity of the participants themselves are what make up the history of IAPLC. As we reach this 25-year milestone, I look forward to seeing even more new worlds emerge in this year’s contest. I also look forward to meeting everyone again at the IAPLC Award Ceremony in November.