Youtube 直播上线后,将会在本网站的「获奖作品」的页面,公布「IAPLC 2023 TOP300作品」。 此外,IAPLC官方Facebook上还将发布“IAPLC2023世界排名”。敬请期待。
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Countries & Areas | Applications |
Japan | 528 |
People’s Republic of China | 190 |
Germany | 88 |
India | 82 |
Malaysia | 78 |
Vietnam | 58 |
South Africa | 57 |
Austria | 54 |
Indonesia | 50 |
Philippines | 36 |
Brazil | 32 |
Poland | 30 |
Spain | 30 |
Republic of Korea | 29 |
Singapore | 29 |
United States of America | 28 |
Chinese Taipei | 27 |
Italy | 25 |
Thailand | 22 |
France | 21 |
Great Britain | 21 |
Australia | 20 |
Hong Kong, China | 18 |
Mexico | 18 |
Canada | 16 |
Czech Republic | 15 |
Sri Lanka | 15 |
Bangladesh | 14 |
Russian Federation | 14 |
Romania | 13 |
Portugal | 12 |
Greece | 9 |
Hungary | 9 |
Macau, China | 9 |
Chile | 8 |
Costa Rica | 8 |
Mauritius | 8 |
Netherlands | 8 |
Argentina | 7 |
Denmark | 7 |
Bulgaria | 6 |
Peru | 6 |
United Arab Emirates | 6 |
Belgium | 5 |
Colombia | 5 |
Ecuador | 5 |
Egypt | 5 |
Israel | 5 |
Qatar | 5 |
Switzerland | 5 |
Serbia | 4 |
Ukraine | 4 |
Brunei Darussalam | 3 |
Islamic Republic of Iran | 3 |
Maldives | 3 |
Morocco | 3 |
Slovakia | 3 |
Sweden | 3 |
Belarus | 2 |
Croatia | 2 |
Finland | 2 |
Ireland | 2 |
Mozambique | 2 |
North Macedonia | 2 |
Turkey | 2 |
Zimbabwe | 2 |
Algeria | 1 |
Andorra | 1 |
Bosnia-Hercegovina | 1 |
Guatemala | 1 |
Jordan | 1 |
Lithuania | 1 |
Luxembourg | 1 |
Mongolia | 1 |
Nepal | 1 |
Norway | 1 |
Pakistan | 1 |
Saudi Arabia | 1 |